The major part of foam mattresses is polyurethane, which is a polymer (a material made up of big molecules that are composed of numerous tiny, similar subunits that are linked together). PU is an extremely popular plastic polymer which can be used to make a wide variety of materials and products, which include furniture such as couches and beds, but also waterproofing, liquid paints and , spray foam, primers elastic fibres, automobile parts, and even tough elastomers such as roller blade wheels.
Memory foam is a kind of polyurethane foam which is classified as “viscoelastic” foam or low-resistance foam, depending on how it is made up of several chemicals and additives are added to it to generate foam, and the composition of the foam varies depending on the kind of foam being produced.
At the end of the day, these compounds have an impact on two of the most important characteristics of memory foam: viscosity and elasticity. Using the term “viscous” to describe memory foam, we imply that it takes a very long time to shift form when subjected to pressure or to transmit energy from one location to another on the material’s surface. When we state a material is “elastic,” we are referring to the fact that it can expand or contort but will back to its normal form or size once the expanding force is removed.
Different companies have different “designs” for the compounds they use to make the foam and the methods they use to make the foam, which makes it difficult to compare them. These formulas and methods have an impact on the touch and function of any particular memory foam products, and they are often kept as trade secrets by the manufacturer. While there are exceptions to this general rule, the viscoelastic foam found in the majority of memory foam mattress includes at least a trace amount of a chemical component known as polyether, which serves to give the foam its elasticity as well as its viscosity.
Another significant aspect of how thin foam functions is that its viscosity reduces as the temperature of the material increases. This implies that when the temperature rises, the material becomes less rigid and more flexible. Since the temperature of the sleep surface is raised by your body heat, this is the cause why memory foam mattresses become softer or more malleable after you have been sleeping on them for a period of time.